The Meaning of “Robo-Riffic”
Robo-Riffic (noun): A delightful, giddy, overwhelmingly joyous emotion experienced by humans when observing a computer automatically perform their dullest work chores in the blink of an eye.
By combining our astounding skills and the power of the Salesforce platform, we automate the grueling, expensive, error-prone, monotonous, repetitive tasks requiring hours of painful human labor. Our philosophy is that any tasks that don’t require human judgment can be automated. You probably already own all of the hardware and software you need. All it takes is a little time for us to work our magic. Never send in a human to do a robot’s job.
Sales and payment processing, document automation, complex reporting – tell us what’s slowing you down and we will show you exactly how awesome Robo-Riffic feels!